WHAT DID SANTA BRING TO MUCH BICKERING? I wasn't first down in the dark on Christmas morning to let the dogs out and switch on the tree lights. Cook was already busy in the kitchen and I didn't want to get in her way, so I made a tray of tea and toast and took it back up for us to enjoy in bed. I had thought that we might have a little 'lie in', but neither of us really felt in the mood for that kind of thing …Crichton was too excited about his presents…always such a kid at heart…so we got dressed and went down to see what Santa had left us in our stockings. A book of Pointless trivia for me…fabulous. A pair of wind up racing Santas for Crichton...almost painful on the instep as a Lego brick. The twins haven't surfaced much before eleven o'clock for years, so we set off for St Apollonia's a deux. The usual crowd were there, minus Douglas and Monica who were at A and E with little Vespasian. He had disgraced himself early and, having pus...