Mute is definitely the word of the week. ‘Day 17. The housemates are in the diary room.’ If Crichton says that one more time, in his silly Newcastle accent, I shall have to socially distance myself from him, with a hatchet. Of course, we are all perfectly well, have enormous amounts of loo roll, plenty of Jaffa Cakes, and are lucky to have more outdoor space than we need, so I shouldn’t complain. But sometimes it would be nice to take a stroll to the church or have lunch with the girls. I’ve never had a lot of time for Davina McCall but if she arrived now with a crowd of photographers and said we could all go off to the Pelican’s Nest for a gin and Dubonnet again, I would kiss the hem of her blessed garment. Jerome has stayed in Cambridge with Hilary, but Arraminta is home with us. She tends to appear in her PJ’s sometime around noon, cruising the cupboards for chocolate biscuits and Pot Noodles and I haven’t got the heart to be cross, even ...