REMEMBERING AND REMEMBRANCE BONFIRES AND POPPIES IN MUCH BICKERING November is such a busy month. Edith has taken the British Legion tin round for over thirty years and wears the enamel badges to prove it, but a lthough her hip is quite healed now, her GP advised her that she should not go standing about in all weathers even if it is in a good cause. There was nothing for it but that I should take up the mantle laid down by the poor dear and so I have become the Poppy Lady for the village. Her doctor is right. It is pretty windswept in the market square and really not the place for a woman of her age…I’m not sure it’s the place for a woman of my age either. Derek came buy and tipped his hat to me. He said if I let him have three big ones, he would push a twenty-pound note into my slot. Then he winked. He gets smuttier by the day. I took Brexit along for door to door collections with mixed success. The extra walk...