A PARTY FOR #CephalopodWeek The call came at 10.30. Monica is desperate. Isolde’s triplets are having their birthday party, and can we come and boost the numbers. Several of their friends are down with the chicken pox and they don’t want the affair to look meagre. It wasn’t until we got there that she spilled the beans about Mr Chuckle…also down with pox…she didn’t state chicken or other, but suffice to say there would be NO CLOWN. Monica emptied her make up box (there must be several hundred pounds worth of Estee Lauder in there) and told the grand-poppets that nice Mrs Trehorlicks would love to do face painting. I certainly would not…that woman lies like a cheap Japanese watch. Pippa and Poppy were delighted. All the little girls all wanted to be fairies (eyeliner and a butterfly on the temple), princesses (rouge and lipstick) or mermaids (turquoise eye shadow). Little Vespasian’s male friends settled for Tigers or Spiderman. But not the birthday boy. ...