TRIUMPH AND DISASTER AT THE DOG SHOW Brexit has been a very naughty dog indeed. I feel quite ashamed of him and can hardly bear to record his latest misdemeanour. Our morning walk started as it always does with Granny T’s spaniels dogs working the hedges and Trenton shuffling along beside me, while Brexit hauled on his extendable lead. We had just turned the corner at the holly tree on the edge of the copse when one of the spans put up a rabbit. Of course, The Sausage was off like a shot, reaching the extent of his elastic in a nanosecond…the familiar jolt nearly tore my arm out of its socket and then… it fell slack. The little devil had slipped his collar. Well that was that. He was through the fence and heading like a train for Brig Parker’s place. I’ve never been one to shirk my responsibilities, but apart from calling and whistling, there was little I could do. Brexit may be able to wriggle through a stock fence, but I cannot. By the tim...