WE'RE ALL PROUD OF DOROTHY Arraminta came home for half term. She looks peaky to me. Cook made her favourite chicken for dinner but she was quite rude about it and announced that she's become a vegetarian, then flounced off without even asking to get down from the table. I have told Crichton that it’s probably her hormones, which prevented a scene. That kind of talk usually stops him in his tracks. She spent her last exit with Candida Bellmarsh and her family which rather let us off the hook. They live near Bicester. Mrs B seemed charming when I rang , and she told me that Candida’s older brother is in the fire service, so I can put my mind at rest on that score. I'm so pleased that A is making friends at last but it doesn't seem to have cheered her up. Quite the reverse. Dorothy’s funeral went off rather well all things considered. The family had hoped for a cremation but in view of the metal plates in her head, they were advised to ...