FIRE! FIRE! I noticed the first of the snow drops, ‘winter’s timid children’ in flower by the wall when I took the lads out for their afternoon walk. Despite the biting wind, these little flowers always lift the spirits. I usually feel a bit flat after the bustle of Christmas. Flat and fat. The trousers were definitely feeling a bit tight in the waistband and I was puffing as I came back up the hill. I vowed to myself that I would lose a stone before Easter, and then arrived home to more of Cook’s fruit cake. A fter the lamb shank/salad debacle, I didn’t dare to refuse and risk offending her again and tucked into a hefty slice. Alyona had just finished mopping the kitchen floor but Brexit still seemed convinced that she’d missed something tasty under the freezer. The minute we came in he went straight to the corner and started scrabbling at it again It might well be a mouse. Mrs Tibbs had eaten so much turkey over the festi...